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A shared moment. A dream.

In Spain, 2 million older people live in a situation of social isolation that is not of their choosing, and 60% of people living in residential homes have no visitors.

Our older people have lots of time to share, lots of experience to offer and lots of wisdom to pass on. And we have much to learn from them.

So what about an intergenerational exchange?

A little company, affection and friendship are the perfect medicine to make the older generation happier and to improve their physical and mental health.

Time to talk and listen restores their zest for life to older people living in isolation, and makes them feel loved.

That is why we have launched a series of activities to put them at the centre of attention and to contribute to a healthy and active old age.

Select one of the cities where we are present and discover the opportunities that have been implemented in each of them.

Excitement is the best medicine

Opportunity: Volunteer magicians

A supremely fun and entertaining activity in which a group of BLESS Hotel Madrid volunteers took part, together with the Fundación Abracadabra, in the Stima Princesa Residential Home.

The volunteers learnt several magic tricks which they then performed and shared at a gala with elderly people.  

The highlight was seeing the expression of excitement and joy on the faces of the older residents. That was the real magic, creating moments of happiness for people who find themselves alone and forgotten by society.

Thank you to the Fundación Abracadabra for this inclusive and collaborative activity that raised the morale of our older residents and made the volunteers the direct architects of this endeavour. 

Giving the gift of magic and excitement made us first-hand witnesses of the therapeutic powers of magic.


Images of a wonderful opportunity for all


Fundación Abracadabra

  • The mission of the Fundación Abracadabra is to restore a sense of excitement to those who urgently need it, including older people in a state of isolation.
  • The Fundación Abracadabra comprises over one hundred charity magicians who, with total dedication, give the best medicine — excitement — to young patients and to the most disadvantaged.
  • “We work to bring about a fairer and more caring world, in which the most vulnerable groups in society can be the central characters in their own story.”

An unforgettable afternoon of magic and excitement

Opportunity: Volunteer magicians

An unforgettable session for 37 older people from the Amigos de los Mayores and Grandes Amigos foundations, their 19 carers and 16 collaborators from the Only YOU Hotel Boutique and the Only YOU Hotel Atocha. 

We more than met our objective of filling an afternoon with happiness and vitality for those who have given so much throughout their lives.

The older people enjoyed an exciting game of bingo, a magic show that transported them to the world of illusion and a delicious tea which they shared while laughing and telling their stories.

The social contact and interaction between the older people and the volunteers strengthened bonds and created precious memories. In addition, thanks to the magic workshop organised by the Fundación Abracadabra, the volunteers became genuine “sorcerers’ apprentices”, bringing magic to every corner.

Thanks to all those who made this unforgettable day possible. Together, we created moments of happiness and company which we will cherish for a long time to come.  Bring on the next adventure full of magic and love!


Images of a wonderful opportunity for all


Abracadabra - Amigos de los Mayores - Grandes Amigos

  • The mission of the Fundación Abracadabra is to restore a sense of excitement to those who urgently need it, including older people in a state of isolation.
  • The story of Amigos de los Mayores is that of the fight against unwelcome isolation for older people. Old age is too important to spend it alone.
  • Grandes Amigos is a volunteer NGO which, since 2003, has provided company, affection and mutual friendship to older people affected by loneliness.

Making others happy is so rewarding!

Opportunity: From a party to a special brunch

An evening of partying and fun on the seventh floor of the Only YOU Hotel Málaga for 30 older people from the Fundación Harena, wearing their best clothes and in a celebratory mood, and 15 volunteers from the hotel there to cater for their every need.

The event began with a delicious tea of rolls, sweet treats and drinks.

The fun continued with a lively bingo session with prizes and lots of laughter. Miguel, the master of ceremonies, kept things moving along with music, encouraging everyone to sing and dance and creating an atmosphere of infectious joy.

In addition to fun, the event promoted healthy ageing, by stimulating the older people’s bodies and minds, encouraging social interaction, and combatting loneliness.

Thanks to the Fundación Harena for this uplifting experience that made all those involved feel valued, happy and more closely connected with their community.


Images of a wonderful opportunity for all


Fundación Harena

  • The Fundación Harena is a private, independent, not-for-profit foundation set up on the personal initiative of groups of friends who shared similar concerns, and wanted to make a contribution to building a fairer and more caring society.
  • They want to be the benchmark social entity — the most active and dedicated organisation for older people, providing the kind of emotional support and friendship that the voluntary sector is capable of.
  • “Our mission at a national level is to drive social intervention with older people affected by isolation, by means of providing companionship from volunteers and by awareness raising within society.”

Total harmony between older people and volunteers

Opportunity: Early-day party

As eleven older people from the El Carmen Residential Home visited the Hard Rock Hotel Marbella, those present wore expressions of happiness, enthusiasm and, above all, love.

As the older people arrived, they were met by a group of volunteers who, with the greatest care and attention, took them on a guided tour of the facilities and the hotel’s musical treasures, including a guitar that once belonged to Elvis Presley and one of Michael Jackson’s jackets. 

Then, they enjoyed a splendid breakfast, and had the opportunity to chat and get to know one another.

To round off the event, an artist entertained the group by playing the piano and singing songs from the past suggested by the residents.

This was a very different experience and, to quote one of the older people, “one of the best outings we’ve had”.

We could not be more grateful to the El Carmen Residential Home for giving us the opportunity to share an unforgettable day with such amazing people. Our most sincere thanks!


Images of a wonderful opportunity for all


El Carmen Residential Home

  • The story of the El Carmen Residential Home began in 1987, when two partners and their children saw the great need for a place in Marbella back then where older people could be cared for.
  • With great effort, dedication, hours and hours of work, with no help from official institutions, they managed to open this older people’s residential home in Marbella.
  • “For us, the greatest satisfaction is to go on earning the respect of all the families who have needed our services”.

The value of time and the importance of the present moment

Opportunity: Craft workshop

“I met María López, a woman born in 1936, right at the outbreak of the Civil War. We were in a workshop making flower wreaths, and we came to the conclusion that the best flowers are those that bloom in the worst conditions. María can’t read and she was shaking, but she and I put in our best efforts, and made a magical connection. I learnt the value of time and the importance of the present moment and of surrounding oneself with love. It is more vital than ever to take part in activities such as this to make us mindful of the realities of life.”

This is how 13 volunteers from Only YOU Hotel Valencia spent several hours with older people at the Orpea Residential Home.

The Fundación Adopta Un Abuelo organised a craft activity for the residents, to welcome in the spring. They shared stories, conversations, laughter and a souvenir photo with a certificate signed by the volunteers.

This activity was a moving experience for each and every one of the volunteers, and as well as being entertaining and rewarding, it helped us to appreciate the importance of caring for our older people.


Images of a wonderful opportunity for all


Adopta Un Abuelo

  • Adopta Un Abuelo came about when Bernardo, a widower with no children, admitted to Alberto his dearest wish: to have a grandchild. Alberto adopted him as a granddad and started the project to alleviate older people’s loneliness.
  • Its mission is to pay tribute to older people and to give them the status they deserve by creating transformative experiences that mark a turning point in their lives.
  • “We love older people, and that is why we made a commitment to recognise their leading role in twenty-first-century society.”

Happy, grateful expressions

Opportunity: Craft workshop

“Welcome spring!” was the theme for the day when collaborators from the Palladium Hotel Menorca volunteered to attend a craft workshop, along with a group of twelve older people from the Es Mercadal Geriatric Residential Home and Day Centre.

Brushes and paints in hand, each team created true works of art which they then cut out to make a beautiful flower wreath.

The outcome was magical. The volunteers had the opportunity to get to know the residents, and to share ideas, thoughts and fascinating life stories. These conversations created a unique and enriching connection for all the participants.

Intergenerational interaction such as this reduces feelings of loneliness and isolation in elderly people, raises their self-esteem and gives them the feeling of being valued and respected by younger generations.

This was a day of smiles, of learning and, above all, of shared love. Heartfelt thanks to Adopta Un Abuelo and the Es Mercadal Residential Home!


Images of a wonderful opportunity for all


Adopta Un Abuelo

  • Adopta Un Abuelo came about when Bernardo, a widower with no children, admitted to Alberto his dearest wish: to have a grandchild. Alberto adopted him as a granddad and started the project to alleviate older people’s loneliness.
  • Its mission is to pay tribute to older people and to give them the status they deserve by creating transformative experiences that mark a turning point in their lives.
  • “We love older people, and that is why we made a commitment to recognise their leading role in twenty-first-century society.”

The wealth produced by diversity

Opportunity: Dancing workshop

TRS Ibiza Hotel was the setting for an inspiring project that brought together eleven older people from the Reina Sofía Residential Home, ten people with learning difficulties from the ASPANADIF and ADIMA associations, and ten volunteers from the hotel itself.

The session began with a lively dance workshop, where the participants immersed themselves in the rhythms of paso doble, salsa and bachata. After this burst of frenetic activity, there was an interval to relax and enjoy a tea with a great variety of drinks and snacks.

Then, activity gave way to calm with a mindfulness and relaxation session, led by an expert psychologist.

The event finished with a talk about Social Responsibility to remind everyone of the important contribution made to society by older people, and to encourage the continued support of social initiatives.

Thanks to ASPANADIF, ADIMA and the Reina Sofía Residential Home, for showing us the transformative power of partnership working in the community.


Images of a wonderful opportunity for all



  • ADIMA is a not-for-profit organisation set up in 2008 with the aim of contributing to the full integration of older people and those with disabilities, by reclaiming their basic and constitutional rights.
  • They work within a framework where integration with the family and with the community, together with independence and participation, are considered to be factors beneficial to health.
  • “Our main objectives are to improve the lives of people with disabilities, and to fight for the rights of older people and children.”

Creating happy and exciting memories

Opportunity: Volunteer magicians

An activity in which twelve collaborators from the Palladium Hotel Palmyra became genuine “sorcerers’ apprentices” and acquired the skills to use magic as a tool to generate happiness and entertain 30 older people at the Hogar Ibiza home for the elderly.

A workshop was held to teach the volunteers special tricks, which they performed at a heartwarming gala, bringing an extra dose of excitement and joy to those who need it.

This activity was not only inclusive and collaborative, it also amply achieved our objective of supporting older people by significantly raising their morale. 

The volunteers became the direct architects of this amazing activity, providing unforgettable and magical moments to their audience, and witnessing first-hand the therapeutic power of magic.

Thanks to the Fundación Abracadabra, we managed to produce genuine magic, by creating happy memories of exciting times for our older people.


Images of a wonderful opportunity for all


Fundación Abracadabra

  • The mission of the Fundación Abracadabra is to restore a sense of excitement to those who urgently need it, including older people in a state of isolation.
  • The Fundación Abracadabra comprises over one hundred charity magicians who, with total dedication, give the best medicine — excitement — to young patients and to the most disadvantaged.
  • “We work to bring about a fairer and more caring world, in which the most vulnerable groups in society can be the central characters in their own story.”

Different generations sharing space and activities

Opportunity: Intergenerational painting workshop

A group of primary school children from the Betania socio-educational centre, together with a team of educators and several collaborators from the Hard Rock Hotel Ibiza, set off on an exciting adventure at the Can Blay Residential Home in Santa Eulalia.

The children were welcomed by the volunteers with helium balloons and Palladium Hotel Group t-shirts, which they joyfully accepted. The older people, who were eagerly waiting, also received a cap as a gift.

The event began with introductions and activities aimed to help everyone to get to know one another. Then the children, brimming with enthusiasm, brought brushes, paints and figures for the older people, and helped them to create beautiful works of art, supervised by the educators and volunteers.

Once the craft work was finished, everyone enjoyed a delicious tea prepared with local products followed by an improvised karaoke session, with the Palladium Hotel Group staff encouraging everyone to join in. The older people were moved by hearing well-known paso dobles, while the children impressed everyone with their musical talents, particularly a 5th year girl who sang a Rihanna song.

Thanks to the Can Blay Residential Home and the Centro Betania for the time spent together and the opportunity to make connections and learn from one another.


Opportunity: Intergenerational bingo

The afternoon began with introductions between these very different and diverse groups, and with the children acting as waiters and waitresses at the tea.

Afterwards, each of the young people chose a partner, with a child and a grandparent playing bingo in pairs. The children were the eyes and ears of the older people, and the latter were very pleased with their support and with the prizes they won.

Before leaving, a pupil from the Centro Betania improvised a hip-hop performance, to the delight of the old and not-so-old alike.

This was a rewarding experience for both the children and the volunteers, who had already established a connection before stepping into the residential home — something that paved the way for the interaction with the older people.

“It was amazing to become part of a group of such diverse people, from a range of ages, cultures and nationalities, and to see that sometimes differences simply do not exist,” said our colleague Matilde.


Images of a wonderful opportunity for all


Centro Betania de Cáritas Ibiza

  • Breaking the cycle of intergenerational transmission of poverty by means of preventative activities with vulnerable children and teenagers.
  • Focusing attention on the aspects needed to generate change and new opportunities in vulnerable youngsters.
  • “Finding, listening to and providing companionship to people who are poor, excluded and vulnerable is the main focus of our work.”

Let imagination fly!

Opportunity: Craft workshop

A wonderful day of creativity and forging connections, when 13 volunteers from BLESS Hotel Ibiza got together to transform the Colisée Sa Residencia in Can Sire into a place filled with colour and joy. 

The event began with a warm welcome for the team, followed by the distribution of materials and instructions to start a craft workshop.

Older people and volunteers worked together to paint each older person’s favourite flower, which would later form part of a decorative wreath.

Taking part in these workshops is more than just a way of improving the surroundings: it also combats the loneliness and isolation of older people, and increases their self-esteem and their sense of being valued. In addition, it stimulates their cognitive abilities and promotes values such as respect, patience and gratitude.

Thanks to Adopta Un Abuelo and the Colisée Sa Residencia, for offering us the opportunity to meet these wonderful people, to exchange thoughts, ideas and stories, and to create a warm and friendly atmosphere that enriched everyone who attended.


Opportunity: Craft workshop

Painting a flower together, cutting it out, decorating the residential home and, above all, sharing two hours of memories, dreams and confidences. Two hours of life.

That is what Antonio, Pilar and another ten or so older people at the Sa Residencia did with a group of ten volunteers from Grand Palladium Hotels & Resorts in Ibiza. That is what anyone could see, but what they all felt was something incredible and difficult to express in words.

The end of the workshop was an emotional moment. Each volunteer signed a certificate and a special dedication for the older people, to leave a lasting memory. 

The wreaths made from the flowers are now part of the residential home’s decoration, lending a touch of colour and creativity to its rooms.

The volunteers felt a unique and enduring connection with the older people, and they all agreed on how enriching and important it was to share their life stories, and to share valuable memories and moments of pure joy


Opportunity: Craft workshop

For this activity, volunteers from the Palladium Hotel Cala Llonga immersed themselves in a creative and inclusive atmosphere with the older people at the Cas Serres assisted living facility.

The event began with a warm welcome and the distribution of materials to enable people to paint their favourite flower. 

The result was a forum for people to get to know one another, and to listen and exchange ideas in a genuinely warm and inclusive atmosphere that lifted the hearts of everyone involved.

The session ended with the signing of certificates and the writing of dedications for every older person, to make them feel extra special.

Thank you, Adopta Un Abuelo! Your scheme not only enriches the lives of older people; it also transforms our lives, by reminding us of the importance of the intergenerational connection and of the value of time spent together.


Images of a wonderful opportunity for all


Adopta Un Abuelo

  • Adopta Un Abuelo came about when Bernardo, a widower with no children, admitted to Alberto his dearest wish: to have a grandchild. Alberto adopted him as a granddad and started the project to alleviate older people’s loneliness.
  • Its mission is to pay tribute to older people and to give them the status they deserve by creating transformative experiences that mark a turning point in their lives.
  • “We love older people, and that is why we made a commitment to recognise their leading role in twenty-first-century society.”

These hugs and kisses will not be forgotten

Opportunity: “I have Alzheimer’s, but I’m still me”

A special day in which a group of people affected by Alzheimer’s disease and other types of dementia from the AFAEF Group Therapies Workshops, accompanied by relatives, cares and colleagues from Ushuaïa Ibiza Beach Hotel, enjoyed a period of relaxation and company at the hotels belonging to Grand Palladium Hotels & Resorts in Ibiza.

It was, definitely, a day with a difference for all concerned, as they joined in coffee breaks, laughter and singing, went for walks around the swimming pool to get their feet wet, and enjoyed a fun bingo session, where all the participants received gifts. 

The enthusiasm of the volunteers and the unexpected visit by stilt walkers made this experience even more magical and ensured that it would remain in everyone’s heart as a day filled with love, laughter and togetherness.

Thank you, AFAEF, for teaching us that an Alzheimer's diagnosis does not mean the loss of identity or the end of enjoying the interaction with other people and the environment.


Images of a wonderful opportunity for all



  • AFAEF was founded in 1998, to address the lack of specialist centres and organisations dedicated to Alzheimer’s in the Pitiusa Islands. Back then, there were not enough places in the single residential home to meet the needs of the community.
  • AFAEF’s mission is to provide holistic, therapeutic, supportive and psychosocial care for people with Alzheimer’s and for the relatives who care for them. Currently, the average age of its users is between 57 and 88.
  • “A picture paints more than a thousand words, but a memory has no price.”

An educational session with a difference

Opportunity: Trip to the aquarium

This guided tour of the Seville Aquarium, located on the Muelle de las Delicias, was an unforgettable experience for 35 residents of Casa de las Hermanitas de los Pobres in Seville and for the group of volunteers from the Only YOU Hotel Sevilla who accompanied them.

With more than 7,000 specimens of around 400 aquatic species, the aquarium was a place where they could learn about the rich marine diversity and about the delicate balances of marine ecosystems.

For the first time, the residents were able to admire the magnificence of these facilities. The kindness and the clear explanations offered by the staff at the aquarium, together with the patience and knowledge of the guide, ensured that every moment of this approximately 70-minute tour was informative and enjoyable. The tour was organised to include breaks for resting and for asking questions, and was perfectly tailored to the needs of the group.

This activity was more than just a change from the everyday routine: it also awakened a genuine interest in the life of the oceans. Many of the residents expressed their surprise and pleasure at discovering species that were new to them, and were grateful for this enriching experience.


Images of a wonderful opportunity for all


Hermanitas de los Pobres

  • From the beginning, the Hermanitas de los Pobres have endeavoured to continue the work begun by Juana Jugan almost two centuries ago, by taking in poor and disadvantaged older people.
  • Their main objectives are to show love and respect to others whatever their circumstances, to strive to earn their trust, to help them feel accepted and at home, and always to work hard to secure their well-being.
  • “We offer not only a place to live that covers older people’s basic needs, but a real home where they can feel that they are important, that they are understood and that they belong to a big family.”

An unforgettable day of happiness and companionship

Opportunity: Dance show

Twenty collaborators from the Grand Palladium Sicilia Resort & Spa and five monitors joined forces to create a memorable day for 50 beneficiaries of residents from the Ist. Giacomo Cusumano and Ist. Telesiano Residential Homes for the Elderly. 

A day filled with shared joy, laughter and excitement, which began with a warm welcome, followed by various activities designed to offer the older people entertainment and fun. The games and activities were designed not only to provide entertainment, but also to encourage interaction and the creation of new memories.

One of the highlights of the day was the lunch, a delicious meal prepared with the utmost care. Seeing the older people smiling and in lively conversation with the volunteers while they enjoyed their lunch served as a reminder of the power of company and care in people’s lives.

The afternoon culminated with a spectacular dance show that filled the room with music, colour and applause. The expressions on the faces of those attending and the energy generated by the show made for a magical atmosphere that will linger in the memory of everyone who was there.


Images of a wonderful opportunity for all


Comunidad de Sant’Egidio

  • Sant’Egidio is a Christian community founded in 1968, just at the end of the Second Vatican Council, and was an initiative led by Andrea Riccardi in a school in central Rome. 
  • Over the years, it has developed into a network of communities spread throughout more than 70 countries, which pays special attention to poorer areas and to marginalised people.
  • It is made up of men and women of diverse ages and backgrounds who are united by a sense of brotherhood based on the Gospel and on free and voluntary work for the poor and for peace.

A most rewarding experience

Opportunity: Day Pass

A day of laughter and unforgettable moments for 18 people from the Los Cristianos Residential Home, their carers and 12 collaborators from the Hard Rock Hotel Tenerife.

A special day that began with exciting board games, prizes and a session with balloons in the shape of animals that encouraged everyone to participate and to share a friendly, relaxed atmosphere. The stories and anecdotes flowed, bringing the wisdom of age to new generations and forging friendships with the volunteers.

Later, the hotel swimming pool was the perfect setting for a refreshing aquarobics session where, led by an instructor, the participants exercised and had fun, using the water to improve their motor skills.

Lunch was a feast for the senses, especially the guitar-shaped cake that everyone loved. Afternoon coffee was the ideal prelude to a performance from a magician, whose tricks produced hearty laughter and a companionable atmosphere.

Thanks to the Los Cristianos Residential Home for this day of intergenerational harmony that granted us a great opportunity to get to know our older people and our history.


Images of a wonderful opportunity for all


Los Cristianos Residential Home

  • Los Cristianos Residential Home offers an ideal combination of professional care and a friendly, welcoming atmosphere in a calm and peaceful setting, which makes it a tranquil retreat for older people.
  • The highly skilled staff are dedicated to providing an exceptional standard of care, focusing on the individual needs of each resident.
  • “We offer a complete range of services, including leisure and entertainment activities, to keep the residents active and engaged.”