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How is your ideal hotel?

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Nuestros hoteles son más que hoteles

Nuestros hoteles son más que hoteles

Caring for our planet is a bet for life

The consequences of overexploitation of resources, global warming and climate change are already being felt.

Moreover, the acceleration of the loss of biodiversity, the worsening of the climate emergency and the increase in inequalities are interconnected phenomena.

But ... what can we do about this situation?

We can be environmentally responsible and do our bit for the environment.

That's why we have launched a series of environmental actions combined, in some cases, with the collaboration of vulnerable social groups.


Select one of the cities where we are present and discover the opportunities that have been implemented in each of them.

Strengthening ties by creating a self-sustaining ecosystem

Opportunity: Biospheres Workshop

The activity was held in the Fundación Juan XXIII and consisted of a tour of the facilities, breakfast, and an inclusive workshop.

The day began with a guided tour by the Fundación which gave participants an overview their methods and what they produce (key rings, bracelets, magazines, printed fabrics, bespoke orders, digitalisation of office material, etc.).

The workshop that took place on the Terraza de la Salud taught the four workers of the Juan Senior business line and a group of volunteers from BLESS Hotel Madrid about the wonderful world of botany. During the workshop, participants were shown how to create a miniature, low-maintenance self-sufficient ecosystem.

It was an absorbing morning during which we learned about the importance of caring for nature and the environment. Many thanks to Fundación Juan XXIII for making it possible.


Images of a wonderful opportunity for all


Fundación Juan XXIII

  • Fundación Juan XXIII has more than 55 years of experience working for the socio-occupational integration of people in situations of psychosocial vulnerability.
  • Its mission is to achieve the socio-occupational inclusion of people in situations of psychosocial vulnerability, particularly those with intellectual disabilities.
  • “We enhance their quality of life through personal independence, development of values, decent jobs and ongoing improvements for all the people who make up this organisation.”

Slowly but surely

Opportunity: Urban allotments

As the sun rose on a chilly winter’s morning, the volunteers from Only YOU Hotel Boutique started arriving at the Fundación Montemadrid’s Centro Ponce de León.

The centre manager was waiting for them, ready to explain everything about the project:

  • A benchmark educational facility in education for deaf people.
  • An occupational centre providing specialised services to improve life for adults with intellectual disabilities.
  • A special employment centre specialised in graphic art for people with disabilities.
  • Urban allotments where students from the school participate in a range of workshops and activities, where local residents can spend some moments of leisure and other NGOs are given their own plots to farm.

The participants then learned how to grow organic crops from the allotment supervisors, their impact on climate change, and how to create seedbeds. Lastly, three disabled workers showed them how to plant and pick vegetables.

Thank you so much, Mauri, Alva and Ángel, for pointing out the importance of people, with names and surnames, and what happens to them.


Images of a wonderful opportunity for all


Fundación Montemadrid

  • Fundación Montemadrid is a private, non-profit organisation that promotes inclusiveness and equal opportunities.
  • It encourages sustainability and environmental conservation, both at the institutional level and through proposals to involve the community.
  • "We foster participatory citizenship through access to education, employment and culture and favour environmental conservation."

Environmental and social awareness planting lettuces

Opportunity: Urban allotments

It may have been a cold, rainy afternoon, but the volunteers from Only YOU Hotel Atocha were ready and willing to learn everything about the Centro Ponce de León of the Fundación Montemadrid. The facilities have:

  • An inclusive oral - sign language education centre.
  • An occupational centre that helps people with disabilities to fully develop and integrate into society.
  • A special employment centre focused on prioritising the job placement and integration of workers according to their different capacities.
  • Urban allotments committed to ecology and sustainability.

Those responsible for the allotments and a worker with a disability taught the team about the growing process, composting and picking the vegetables. They also helped to create and water a seed bed, and grow and pick organic products.

Many thanks to Mauri, Alva and Ángel for your hard work and commitment to the environment, the neighbourhood and your efforts to combat inequality. It was wonderful spending the afternoon learning with you.


Images of a wonderful opportunity for all


Fundación Montemadrid

  • Fundación Montemadrid is a private, non-profit organisation that promotes inclusiveness and equal opportunities.
  • It encourages sustainability and environmental conservation, both at the institutional level and through proposals to involve the community.
  • “We foster participatory citizenship through access to education, employment and culture and favour environmental conservation.”

Getting to work, helping to reforest the planet

Opportunity: Nendo Dango technique workshop

This three-hour activity was provided by Ecoherencia. It was held in the Lola restaurant at Only YOU Hotel Málaga for a group of volunteers from the hotel.

Through a series of brief games, volunteers learned about biodiversity and to appreciate the importance of the connections that exist in nature.

Later, they prepared the mixture used to create the so-called Nendo Dango or autochthonous seed bombs used to replant difficult-to-reach sites.

A total of 442 seed bombs were created as a result of the workshop. These will be used to restore degraded areas in a joint project by Ecoherencia and the Málaga Provincial Council.

Thank you so much, Ecoherencia, for this opportunity to help with the reforestation of degraded areas in Málaga province as a measure to mitigate climate change.


Images of a wonderful opportunity for all



  • Ecoherencia is a non-profit work cooperative whose primary mission is to inspire people to take action to fight the climate emergency.
  • A driving force for change among organisations and individuals by restoring ecosystems, social innovation and creating synergies, redefining the concept of well-being through sustainability.
  • “We believe in teamwork, hence our membership of different networks. We believe in cooperation rather than competition and we appreciate synergies with other organisations.”

A social and environmental project to save an endangered species

Opportunity: Project “In the shade of the Spanish fir tree”

A group of volunteers from Hard Rock Hotel Marbella participated in this Red Cross project to prevent the Spanish fir tree or pinsapo, from disappearing. It was an action-packed day, consisting of:

  • A guided tour of the “Sierra de las Nieves” nursery to learn about its history and environmental and social work.
  • Transplanting three-year-old Abies pinsapo Boiss to larger pots.
  • Sowing acorns from holm oaks for future reforestations.
  • A lunch consisting of traditionally prepared local products.
  • Planting two, eight-year-old Spanish fir trees.

The active participation of seniors in this space is an opportunity to raise awareness of this great natural treasure. They sow, transplant and water protected species in the nursery under the supervision of the organisation's volunteers.

Many thanks to the Red Cross for raising awareness of the importance of the Sierra de las Nieves National Park, the situation of the endemic Abies pinsapo Boiss tree and for forest mass and their social intervention with a vulnerable population.


Images of a wonderful opportunity for all


Málaga Red Cross

  • The Red Cross focuses its environmental activity on improving people’s lives and safety, our natural riches and values like environmental protection. The mission is to prevent all threats that cause social inequality and extreme poverty.
  • It provides vulnerable groups with the necessary skills to prevent the impact of environmental degradation.
  • “We improve people's quality of life, protecting the environment and working with vulnerable groups to fight energy poverty.”

The importance of caring for and conserving the environment

Opportunity: Environmental awareness workshop

A fantastic day in the open air, when 26 volunteers from different departments at the Only YOU Hotel Valencia had the opportunity to get together and spend some time outside the workplace.

During the activity, they learned the importance of biodiversity and restoring degraded natural spaces with interactive methodologies. They also enjoyed a tour along the River Turia with the park manager.

To carry out the maintenance task, they were given information about:

  • Invasive species.
  • Biodiversity loss.
  • Competition between plants in reforestations.
  • Control techniques, such as the use of anti-germinating mesh. This technique is used in the park to control the proliferation of cane (a fast-growing invasive species) and allow the riverside forest to recover.

Now that the reforested plants were already well established, the volunteers removed 1,200 m2 of anti-germinating mesh and planted six representative riverside species.

Many thanks to Ecoherencia for educating us in the importance of biodiversity and its important role in addressing the climate emergency. The planet is allowing us to live here and we must care for it.


Images of a wonderful opportunity for all



  • Ecoherencia is a non-profit work cooperative whose primary mission is to inspire people to take action in the climate emergency.
  • A force for change among organisations and individuals by restoring ecosystems, social innovation and creating synergies, redefining the concept of well-being through sustainability.
  • “We believe in teamwork, hence our membership of different networks. We believe in cooperation rather than competition and we appreciate synergies with other organisations.”

Quality compost for sustainable farming and a clean beach that everyone can enjoy

Opportunity: Organic material management

Hard Rock Hotel Tenerife’s “Circular Economy” project is an exciting challenge that is causing a change of mindset and philosophy among hotel staff and encouraging sustainable practices.

Kitchen staff separate fruit and vegetable peelings, eggshells and coffee grounds into 90 and 120-litre containers. At the end of the shift the biowaste is emptied into 500-litre containers in the yard.

Three days a week, Adeje Limpio transports the biowaste to the Seviagroc plant where it is transformed into compost, and then used on the premises or packaged for use by local farmers. The produce from these farms is sold through the municipal cooperative and purchased by local hotels and businesses.

The hotel uses some of these packets of compost to teach young guests how to plant and care for plants, and the ecological importance of recycling.

In two months, they have recycled 8,880 kilos of biowaste, helping to produce 2,664 kg of compost and keeping the biowaste out of landfills.

Thank you, Hard Rock Hotel Tenerife, for taking part in this excellent initiative and ensuring that the collaborators in your departments understand the importance and benefits of correct recycling.


Opportunity: Cleaning the land and sea

Spending a Saturday with collaborators from Hard Rock Hotel Tenerife to clean up the El Pinque beach alongside the hotel was a brilliant experience!

A group of 15 volunteers did their bit for nature by cleaning the beach, while divers from environmental marine project ONG Promemar scoured the seabed for litter.

They picked up 199 kilos of waste. As well as cigarette butts and plastic, they found three electric scooters, some furniture and tyres on the seabed.

Thanks again, Hard Rock Hotel Tenerife, for encouraging teamwork among the staff in all your departments who joined forces for the common good and for helping to care for the environment where we live.


Images of a wonderful opportunity for all


Comunidades Turísticas Circulares (CTC)

  • The “Circular Tourism Communities” (CTC) project is organised by ASHOTEL (Hotel and Non-hotel Association of Tenerife, La Palma, La Gomera and El Hierro) and Asaga/Asaja (Association of Agricultural and Livestock Farmers of the Canary Islands) in collaboration with Adeje City Council and Serviagroc plant where the compost is produced.
  • The goal is to reduce food waste from hotel kitchens by separating biowaste from food preparation, garden clippings and pruning waste, and incentivising the use of local produce in participating hotels (km 0), among other objectives.
  • “The initiative was created in response to hotels’ need to make use of, manage and give a second life to the organic waste they produced, such as food scraps, and leaves and clippings from the gardens”.