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How is your ideal hotel?

Dominican Republic
United States

Unmatched destinations


How is your ideal hotel?

Unmatched destinations

Nuestros hoteles son más que hoteles

Nuestros hoteles son más que hoteles


Manage your Utiq technology consents

To withdraw your Utiq consent applicable to this site only, click Withdraw Utiq consent 1.

To view and withdraw all Utiq consents that you have given so far access the Utiq privacy portal (consenthub).

About the Utiq technology

The Utiq technology is provided by Utiq SA/NV, a European AdTech company that works together with participating telecom operators (see section below) that help power the technology. The Utiq technology enables websites like us that use the Utiq technology to perform our digital marketing activities.

The Utiq technology is off by default and requires your consent to be activated and used. The technology is only available if you are a customer of one of the participating telecom operators.

For more information on the Utiq technology visit Utiq’s Privacy Statement.

Our use of the Utiq technology

We use the Utiq technology on our website. If you consent to activate its use, we will use it to recognise you as the same visitor and collect insights about your navigation on our website so that we can offer you personalised content and advertising or for analytics, depending on which additional consents you have given us for these purposes.

We act as a joint controller together with Utiq for certain processing operations. As part of our joint controller arrangement:

         -We collect your consent in relation to the Utiq technology, including for the processing Utiq and your telecom operator undertakes.

         -Utiq provides you with a privacy portal (consenthub) to facilitate the exercise of your data protection rights and enable you to easily manage your Utiq consents. At any time. In one place.

         -Notwithstanding that you may exercise your rights in respect of any of the controllers, Utiq acts as the common contact point for any questions or requests you may have in relation to the Utiq technology.

Find out more about participating telecom operators

You can find the list of participating telecom operators across countries where the Utiq technology is available here.