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Book directly on our website and discover the exclusive benefits we have prepared for you!
Palladium Rewards is the exclusive loyalty program for our most devoted guests. Designed to offer a superior travel experience in the destination of your choice, with premium services and extensive options for leisure activities.
Access priority rates at our hotels, personalized packages, discounts, and rewards in the form of points that can be redeemed for experiences. Our goal is to make your trip a unique experience, with every luxury and comfort.
Make all of your bookings on our website with the peace of mind that comes with knowing you’ll always get the best price. With our best price online guarantee, if you find one of our rooms online for a lower price, we’ll match that price and apply a 10% discount.
Plan every detail of your vacation with the knowledge that if something unexpected happens or something changes, you can modify or cancel your booking. We offer an exclusive cancellation program with even more flexible conditions so you can choose your destination when it suits you and stop worrying.
Choose the location and features of your room with just one click. Book via our website and enjoy an elevated experience at our most exclusive hotels. We select the most exceptional rooms for you in dreamy vacation destinations around the world.